Saturday, July 20, 2019

Understanding God's Heart

John 3:17 - For God did not send Jesus Christ into the world to condemn the world but that the world might be saved through Him.

Everyone born into the human family needs to born into "God's family". 

I speak from personal experience. I do know what it is to experience the awesome life changing power of the Lord Jesus Christ. I wasn't raised in a Christian environment at all. I grew up very much believing that Christians weren't strong enough, to get through life, by themselves. I felt they had to have a religious crutch to make it. 

I was very self determined to make it on my own and by the time I was 26 I had my own very successful welding and heavy equipment repair business. Outwardly I had a lot, the new shop, the new house, the new car, a great wife, a two year son and I loved what I was doing. Inside however was a totally different story. I had such deep inner rage. It would even scare me. I was so incredibly frustrated inside and I couldn't fix myself.

I had for as long as I could remember wanted to know what life was all about. How did we get here? Where were we going? What happens after I die? So many questions and up to this point I couldn't find anything that seemed to make any real sense to me.

One Sunday night I went to a very small church with Carol, my wife, who had asked me to go with her. As I sat and listened to the preacher I was told that I was a sinner, I had been born into sin as apart of the human family. It was as clear as day to me. I couldn't deny it. Yes I had sinned in my short life time. He went on to say that Jesus, God's Son had paid in full for my sins. He had been judged by the holy, righteous Father with death on my behalf. Jesus had taken my sin upon Himself. He had died in my place. I saw it as plain as day. I understood deep down inside what Jesus had done for me.

Having completed his message about God's love for me the preacher than asked if anyone would like to get right with God, to be personally forgiven and cleansed. Deep down inside I knew that I wanted to get right with God. I wanted to ask for His forgiveness and to thank Him for what Jesus had done for me. 

When I personally prayed to God acknowledging that I was a sinner in need of being saved, I asked His forgiveness and welcomed Him into my life to be my personal Lord and Savior. I gave my life totally to Him and as I did something happened inside that is simply beyond words to explain. I knew that I was right with God. I knew without a shadow of a doubt that if I were to drop dead right there and then all would be well. I was filled if such peace and joy. It was and is incredible.

This awesome, powerful experience with God happened to me on Jan. 28, 1975, that's over 40 years ago now and with all honesty I have found that the Bible is God's Word to us and that He is, and does, exactly what He says in His Word.

If you have not yet received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior I want to encourage you to. You can come to the Lord. He is calling you. Come Now!

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